<aside> <img src="https://super.so/icon/dark/alert-circle.svg" alt="https://super.so/icon/dark/alert-circle.svg" width="40px" /> Please note that the Canvas Grid can be slow to start due to the number of squares. However, this will speed up drastically as you begin to bring in components and remove the placeholder squares.


<aside> <img src="https://super.so/icon/dark/alert-circle.svg" alt="https://super.so/icon/dark/alert-circle.svg" width="40px" /> Ensure you have the modern visual header applied by going to File > Options and Settings > Options > Current File > Report Settings > Visual Options > Check the "Use the modern visuals header with updated styling options" box



The Canvas Grid is the starting point for any well-designed report and ensures that the correct structure and alignment are used when building reports using components. It also helps with maintaining consistency across your reports for a more polished look and feel.

The Canvas Gird offers three layout options: standard, vertical, and horizontal. Each option is based on the positioning of the navigation bar component within each layout.

A Canvas Grid can be used for both new and existing reports. Below we'll walk through how to get started with each of those options.

Using the Canvas Grid for new reports

To get started with the Canvas Grid for a new report, simply identify the layout option you'd like to use for your report (Standard, Vertical or Horizontal) and make a copy of that PBIX file. You'll now be ready to use that duplicated file as your starting point.

By using a duplicated version of the Canvas Grid, you'll retain both the data connectivity within the file as well as the theme, making it nice and easy for you to get started using the components.